Alumni Dinner/Cocktail Hour
Near NIU European Academic Center
Near NIU European Academic Center
Incoming Army G-2 MG Robert Ashley, Class of '92, will be in attendance. Event date is TBD for October/November. Further details to come.
Keynote remarks by RADM Elizabeth Train, USN class of '87, taking place in the Lamplighter Room at the Ft. Myer Officers' Club in Arlington, VA.
The Foreign Area Officer Association(FAOA), in association with the International Association For Intelligence Education (IAFIE), the National Intelligence University Foundation (NIUF), and the National Intelligence University Alumni Association, would like to invite you to our next Distinguished Speaker Series event, which will be held on St.Patrick’s Day, Thursday, 17 March 2016. The event will feature Mr. Denis Clift, Vice President for Planning and Operations at the U.S. Naval Institute, and former President of the National Intelligence University (formerly JMIC) and Assistant National Security Advisor. Speaker: Mr. Denis Clift 1100 Arrival, registration,and networking 1130-1300: Irish Lunch, remarks, and book-signing Because of his...
Room: Leadership Hall A and B Questions? Please contact Jackie Houey at 202-231-3777
Please RSVP for this event!
Click here to register for the G2G Dinner. This event is open to NIU alumni and current students, as well as current and former staff and faculty. Due to the limited size of the room, we will not be able to accommodate spouses or non-alumni guests at this event.
Spouses, friends and allies are welcome to register and join the fun for this first ever NIU Alumni event at the scenic USCG Coast Guard Station in the iconic North End of Boston. The program will include a networking reception with heavy hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, remarks by Director of Alumni Relations Tom Van Wagner '94 and recognition of special guests. Click here to register for the event!
Click here to register! The NIU Homecoming Brunch has become a popular annual tradition each fall for the whole campus community including alumni, students, current and former staff, and university leaders. Come out and enjoy a delicious meal on a beautiful autumn day on the Army's scenic and historic Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, as we rekindle old friendships and make new ones. Spouses and significant others are very welcome! Keynote remarks will be provided by Bill Miller, Class of 2002, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security.
G2G Dinner Please join us December 6th for our next G2G dinner with special guest, Bill Evanina. As the National Counterintelligence Executive, Evanina is the head of counterintelligence for the U.S. government and chief counterintelligence adviser to the director of National Intelligence. Mr. Evanina has 25 years of service in the U.S. Government, 18 of which are in the FBI. Prior to his selection as NCIX, he served as the chief of CIA’s Counterespionage Group where he led personnel from multiple Intelligence Community agencies in an effort to identify, prevent and neutralize espionage related activities by foreign intelligence services. This...
No-Host Social and Dinner at: Terranova's Italian Restaurant Address: 1420 Paramount Dr #1, Huntsville, AL 35806 RSVP to
Join the NIUAA for the next G2G Dinner on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 with special guests Admiral Thad Allen, USCG (Ret.). This event is open to NIU alumni and current students, as well as current and former staff and faculty. Due to the limited size of the room, we will not be able to accommodate spouses or non-alumni guests at this event. Admiral Thad W. Allen, USCG (ret.) served as the 23rd Commandant of the US Coast Guard from 2006-2010. He is a native of Tucson, AZ and graduated from the USCG Academy in 1971. Prior to selection as the...
Building on the enthusiasm and success of the very well-attended inaugural reception in Boston in October 2016, alumni COL Ron Corsetti '06 and CAPT Jim Spotts '01 have laid on another event for NIU Alumni and allies in the Greater Boston Area. On Saturday, 4 February 2017, they've arranged a special guided tour of the Museum of WWII in Natick, MA followed by a no-host luncheon at a nearby restaurant (TBD). The tour will be led by docent Mark Galluzzo, Intelligence Branch Chief for the First Coast Guard District (Boston) who was the guest speaker at the October event. This...