The NIU Foundation (NIUF) approved the creation of an NIU Alumni Association in September 2015. The Association came about thanks to the efforts of a small “charter group” of alumni who – at the invitation of NIU Foundation Chairman Admiral “Mike” McConnell ’71 – worked for a year and a half to lay the groundwork for the organization. Through a series of monthly conference calls, the charter group members who live in San Diego, New York City, Norfolk VA, Washington DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland crafted the initial framework including mission, vision and by-laws. With these efforts and after more than 5,000 degrees conferred and over 50 years educating the nation’s intelligence professionals a formal alumni association has been established.
The Association operates within the National Intelligence University Foundation, which is a tax exempt 501(c) (3) designated organization and membership is open to all alumni, faculty and staff associated with the University. The National Intelligence University Foundation Bylaws outline the need for the NIU Alumni Association to monitor its progress in accomplishing its strategic plan objectives. Additionally, the Alumni Association must submit an annual Strategic Plan for approval.
Core Values:
The Association’s core values include fellowship, accountability, and transparency. These values reflect how the Alumni Association will accomplish its work.
The Association’s mission is to develop a passionate, sustainable, and effective community of Alumni in support of the University and each other.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 1: Build and Strengthen Alumni Network
Goal 2: Baseline Effective Operating Procedures
Goal 3: Promote Transparency and Chronicle Association Activities
Goal 4: Promote Personal and Professional Opportunities
Goal 5: Promote Pride in Alma Mater